Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Summer bloomin'

After finding a spot for my "new shelves," my husband asked if my Mom might like them. Haha, he's right, they just don't fit anywhere...yet. I think they'd be nice in one of our guest bathrooms (when they're no longer occupied by tenants). Until then, they have become my display furniture for the craft fair I'm hoping to participate in this summer.

To enrich their functionability and fun, I used magnetic primer on one and LOVE the results. There's a lot I can do with this. Currently, it's just storing my growing supply for the craft fair. I can't wait to start "decorating" it with more crafty fun.
I'm using magnetic hooks to hand the headbands.
That cute button bouquet were made for me by a dear friend (thanks, Ruth)

Between studying, class, and clinicals, I have spurts of inspiration and soon, the entire dining room table is covered in fabric, beads, and buttons. A few more of these spurts and I should have what I need for the craft fair!

Again, I used magnetic primer on the glass of this frame and put a piece of designer paper across the face to make a simple magnet board. I then made a ribbon flower and used a button to decorate two magnets. 

In between my above projects, I laminated a bunch of cute paper and used them to piece together a magnetic meal planning schedule. I have a collection of menu items and fill in each day at the beginning of the week. I'm working on a two week and montly meal planner... if it's cute like I envision, it'll be on sale at the fair! 

Oh, my laundry drying rack for my laundry room is just about finished (I just haven't taken the time to attach the last hinge. Once I do that, I'll post a picture. I like it a lot!

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