Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Reusable and really cute!

My husband smiles everytime I use the words "little" or "cute." I keep him smiling a lot because I like these words, especially together: "Cute, little this, cute, little that...." or "it's so cute and little!" He psychoanalyzes me and explains that I use these adjectives because I see myself as cute and little and, therfore, naturally enjoy other cute and little things.

What's not cute or little is the TON of reasons not to use one-time-use, throw away plastic ziplock bags for EVERYTHING... I love baggies, containers, and anything that helps me feel just a little more organized (feel is the key word here :) so, I found, at least, one CUTE reason not to use the throw away kind:

Reusable snack bags!
I made these this morning out of vinyl tableclothes.
 This one has a cute little window
 All our lined with complimentary color/pattern vinyl
I used buttons instead of velcro or snaps simply because....they're cute.

I'm sure some of you are wondering if they're safe to hold food....good question. There's controversy about all sorts of plastic so, if you plan to use it, it's probably a good idea to keep all plastic cool (don't leave it in the car, if you have other non-plastic dishes, use those for microwaving food, etc.).
With all the hype about plastics, metals, nalgene bottles, etc., my first question is: what are you putting in the containers? If you're putting high fat, low nutrient, high sugar foods into your "poisonous" containers, then there's a bigger issue at hand.
Plastics and metals are controversial. Poor eating and health habits are not. So, if you choose to make these really, REALLY cute, reusable snack bags, at the least, make sure you thow in a few nutritious snacks :)

For one of many tutorials all over the internet, check out this site:
I used these ideas but didn't follow her directions, which are a bit confusing/complicated for my simplistic mind!


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